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Shooters Gallery  | HFMP KIT Supports Cameras at Motorbike Competition
HFMP KIT Supports Cameras at Motorbike Competition
Takahiro Ono
Tokyo, Japan
Promotion Video
Sony PXW-FS5, Sony ILCE-6300 / HFMP KIT
About the shooter
Professional videographer for motorbike shows and other events.
Name and content of the work piece
Video records for National Motorbike Trail Competition held by Motorbike Federation of Japan, also as promotion video clips for a Japanese motorbike manufacturer.
Place of filming
Ibaraki, Japan
How did Libec product help your work?
HFMP KIT helps me a lot by supporting my camera on locations that tripods cannot be used. Also, since the video is for promotion use, HFMP KIT helps me take dynamic shots while moving around freely with high mobility. In this competition, I have to shoot videos in various types of terrain, and the HFMP KIT has supported the camera well.
How do you feel about Libec product?
The amount of locations that restrict tripod use are increasing, a monopod is a great mobile substitute for these types of situations. The HFMP KIT can be used for a wide variety of applications, and I look forward to discovering and enjoying all of HFMP's features and benefits.
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